Thursday, July 29, 2010

Advice on getting job after career gap of +1yr due to change in country(after marriage) & undergoing pregnancy?

My sister was Credit Analyst(+2 yr experience) with a Bank,India but due to marriage she was suppose to leave her said job and join her husband in Scotland. Now she has delivered a Son within her 1 year of marriage (Her Son is 6 months old) and want to pursue her career.

Please advice:

How to make-up/justify her career gap of 1.6yr(approx.) in the Resume?

What should be her approach to get a Finance job in Scotland especially in this recession time?Advice on getting job after career gap of +1yr due to change in country(after marriage) %26amp; undergoing pregnancy?
First of all getting married and relocating and having a baby is a great excuse for a career gap. I have done that minus the baby.. If she can she can try temporary employment agencies like i love them. They are everywhere and they can at least get her something that would perhaps lead her to full time work. They do full time placement as well. I know it's stressful .. Bless and good luck!Advice on getting job after career gap of +1yr due to change in country(after marriage) %26amp; undergoing pregnancy?
With a gap that long, and a change in country, there is no way to disguise the gap. No way to disguise the fact that she has no experience in Scotland, either. If she wants to be a credit analyst, she's going to have to prove she knows the generally accepted accounting principles and standards used in Scotland/UK, and can analyze the financials.

She will have to own up to the fact that she has immigrated to a foreign country and had a baby. No way around it, even though it opens up a can of worms about her lack of local experience, lack of UK training, child care issues.

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